My Profile

My Profile site displays your personal information that you have previously added during your first-time registration. The page is divided into the following three sections:

To view and edit your profile information

  1. In the left pane of the Business Dashboard page, click My Profile.

In the Account Information section, appear your account name and type as previously selected during your first-time registration.

  1. From the Preferred language list, choose between the English and the Arabic.

  2. In the Personal Details section, you can edit all your information except the following:

  3. The Full  English Name

  4. The Full  Arabic Name

  5. The Edbara Number

  6. The Nationality

  7. The Emirates ID number

  8. In the License Number

  1. In the Supporting Documents section, click the linkable document name, and then print it to fill in its sections.

  2. To save the information on the system, click Save.