Adding License Activities

The license owner can add more than one activity to the same license.

To add license activities

  1. In the Business Activities tab, in the Activities section, click Search Business Activities.

  2. Select the activity from the Activity Group drop-down list, and then click Search.

  3. In the Search Results section, in front of the activity category that matches your field, click Select.

  4. Activities you have chosen appear in the Selected Activities section.

  5. After you are done of selecting the activities, click Save & Close.

  6. In the Activities section where the code, description, and type of the selected activity appear, click Next.

To delete your selected activities

  • Select the Activity Code check box and then click Delete.

Now, you have identified the activities to be added to the license you want to issue. After that, you will define the owners and partners who will be included in the license. For more information, please refer to Identifying owners and partners added on the license.